Family Support for Kinship Care

Our Area Agency on Aging is offering holiday help for kinship families. If you are (or know someone who is) raising children and are past the age of 55, they may be able to offer one-time financial assistance for holiday and seasonal needs such as warm outerwear, gifts, and more. Please check out the flyer below for complete details.


DHHS is kicking off the annual Holiday Project, where low income families and seniors in Cass and St. Joseph County, Michigan can apply for Holiday food and assistance. Families in need can return this application to be considered:



Project organizers are also seeking donors to make this project happen. If you or your organization can help by adopting a family or making other donations, please check out these links:



A Giving Tree

We’ve just become aware of a tree-mendous resource in Edwardsburg! The Edwardsburg Presbyterian Church has a Giving Tree in the alley behind the building (near the Post Office). Donors have provided clothing, and it is hanging on the tree for anyone to use. What a great idea! If you have gently-used clothing items, you can donate. If you need clothing, you can take what you need, any day or any time. You can see the flyer with full details by clicking HERE.

Free Fall-Winter Clothing Giveaway

Our Father’s Family Keeper Ministries’ (OFFKM) signature free Fall-Winter clothing exchange returns on August 22, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This time it will be held at 61472 Donald Roadway West in Vandalia, Michigan, and social distancing and face covering guidelines will be followed.

“We are proud to host this event for our local families in need,” said Bianca May, the co-founder and executive director of OFFKM. “There is no limit to the number of items that a family may choose to take home with them.”

Event organizers are seeking donations of gently-used clothes and shoes (for both children and adults), baby gear, toys, books, and household items, and children’s clothes hangers. Clothes and shoes should be suited for the upcoming fall and winter seasons. All donated items are given to members of the community for free.

“Monetary donations are also much appreciated,” said May. “Donations are used to purchase items needed to fulfill our services, such as clothes hangers, storage containers, and face masks.”

To arrange a donation drop-off, or for questions about the event and serving as a volunteer, please contact OFFKM via email ([email protected]) or phone (269-476-1257).

Free Screening of Early Childhood Education Documentary “No Small Matter”

Our Father’s Family Keeper Ministries collaborates with local organizations to increase awareness about the need for early childhood education and brainstorm solutions

Cass County, Michigan — Our Father’s Family Keeper Ministries (OFFKM) will host a free virtual screening of the film No Small Matter on June 20. It is the first feature documentary to explore the most overlooked, underestimated, and powerful force for good in America today: early childhood education.

Local families and community leaders are invited to watch the film and participate in a follow-up discussion. There is a flexible viewing schedule limited to the first 300 views which may occur up to three days before June 20 until one day after (June 17-21).

No Small Matter lays out the overwhelming evidence for the importance of a child’s first five years of life, and reveals how our failure to act on that evidence has resulted in an everyday crisis for American families, and a slow-motion catastrophe for the country.

“We hope to positively change the trajectory of our families and community by taking action after watching this film,” said Bianca May, the co-founder and executive director of OFFKM.

OFFKM is collaborating with community leaders to spread the word about this issue. Reverend James Solarek, executive pastor of Edwardsburg Community Church and a foster parent, is one of them.

“We are excited to partner with OFFKM to promote “No Small Matter.” As a pastor, foster parent, and part of our community, I cannot overemphasize the importance of early childhood education,” said Solarek.

“We hope this documentary will continue to improve the families in our community and encourage all of us to take positive action,” he added.

Other organizations, Cass County Great Start Collaborative and Tri-County Head Start, have recently shared the documentary with their constituents to spark action as well.

Anna Carter, director of the Cass County Great Start Collaborative said, “The film “No Small Matter” is put together very well. It shows the importance of positive early childhood experiences on brain development and what that looks like with research and outcomes.”

“This film shows actual families that are struggling with the work/home balance, with the cost and availability of quality child care and preschool. I have viewed this film many times and each time I learn more. We all need to work together as a community to support families and children. Together we can make a difference,” Carter concluded.

Chanda Hillman, executive director for the Tri-County Head Start program can also attest to the impact of early childhood education on the community at large.

“Investing in early childhood education makes sense for local economies, studies show that for every $1 invested in a high-quality early childhood program, there is an economic return in that community of $7-$19,” said Hillman.

To watch a trailer of the film and reserve your spot for the virtual screening, please visit or visit OFFKM’s Facebook Page for more information.

“Please join us in both watching the film and participating in the discussion afterwards to see how we can all become part of the solution,” said May.

Our Father’s Family Keeper Ministries is a Vandalia-based nonprofit, which May and her husband, Curtis, formed in 2012. It offers a number of services including youth educational supports, providing furniture and household items for individuals transitioning from shelters into housing, and transportation for those in need of assistance.

The Village Free Store

Our ministry offers a variety of services. While there is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, we are blessed to be able to provide a little relief to families. We are offering by appointment, in compliance with social distancing, free shopping opportunities. We have a large variety of summer clothing in children and adult sizes. We also have various household goods, books, shoes, and miscellaneous items. These are are free to you, and there is no requirement to shop. We are also in need of volunteers for our next big giveaway event in August. Our events would not be possible without donations and volunteers. Please pass these flyers on to others that may be interested. Like our Facebook page for more information on our ministry.

Community Garden

Would you be interested in participating in a community garden? If so, please let us know! Produce that isn’t used by your family will be donated to local area food banks to help other families in need.

Thanksgiving Meal 2019

The Cassopolis United Methodist Church (located at 209 South Rowland) will host a Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, November 28, 2019. A traditional Thanksgiving meal will be served in the Church fellowship hall between 1:00 and 3:30 pm. There will be holiday crafts and cookie decorating for the kids. Please RSVP for planning purposes by contacting the church secretary with the number of people who will be attending at 269-445-3107.

In addition, the Church will have delivery for shut-ins, emergency personnel, and service workers in our area that the community helps us identify. If you or someone you know would benefit from a delivered meal please contact the church secretary by November 17, 2019.