2018: OFFKM’s Year In Transition

This year, 2018, has been a tremendously transitional one for Our Father’s Family Keeper Ministries, as we have adapted our services to better serve those in our community.

For several years, OFFKM provided free and low-cost housing to women and women with children and others who were un-housed. This year, we were moved to transition from our Transitional Housing services.

We are strengthening the supports we provide to local families and others, particularly providing increased transportation and childcare to them.

Following are just some of the highlights of our more recent service:

  • We recently transported a Mississippi resident, who was living in Cassopolis, to her doctor’s appointment in Kalamazoo, after she was unable to obtain assistance from local agencies. 
  • We provide transportation to- and from school for a 4-year-old Head Start age girl, providing service from her rural home to her bus stop. We plan to do this until her mother starts driving again.
  • Provided care for newborn twins, while their mother took care of other family business at various agencies. This woman is also mother to 2-, 4-, 5- and 10-year-old children.  
  • Since the end of August, we have been blessed to provide childcare to a former Transition House guest. This has proved to be not just a blessing to this family, but to us, as the Lord has given this child a  joyful spirit, and she often is smiling and laughing, lifting our spirits in the process.
  • OFFKM: 2018, Our Year in Transition

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